Check Us Out in the Media
The Agenda with Steve Paikin: How to Build a Community
Sabina Ali is the co-founder of the Thorncliffe Park Women’s Committee, a group that empowers women and helps strengthen the community. She joins The Agenda to discuss her work and her role in making Toronto a welcoming city.
Thorncliffe Park market builds community in diverse East York pocket
Sabina Ali helps stoke entrepreneurial spirit in fellow newcomer women
CBC News
How a zoning bylaw could transform 500 apartment sites across the city
City Parks Alliance
Thorncliffe Park Women’s Committee at the Greater and Greener Conference 2017
How universities are working to shatter the ivory tower
150 Stories
TPWC Chair Sabina Ali featured in Governor General’s 150 Stories
Heart of the City Conference
Panel: Inclusive Cities: Realizing the Social Benefits of City Parks
ERA Architects
Sabina Ali & Graeme Stewart Speak to ‘Modern Tower Blocks and the 21st Century City
The Toronto Star
Battling myth of the green monster in Thorncliffe Park
The Toronto Star
Sourced: Flavours of Thorncliffe include fragrant, spicy samosas
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